Hi my name is Izze B. Which is short for Isadora Belle (Is adorable). My mom has given me many nicknames to fit my many different personalities. There is Izzer B, Izzerd Bean, Business, Dork-able, Kitten pants, and she uses my full name when I've gotten into too much mischief.

This is how little I was when my mama rescued me. She used to work for a vet in MN and I was only 3 weeks old when a lady found me stranded in a shipping yard and brought me to the clinic. My mom was going to be starting vet school that fall, and was waiting for a sweet kitten to come into her life; boy was my mom lucky to get me! She had to feed me with a syringe and help me go to the bathroom. (too much time in the sink for me!) But look how great I turned out! I will tell you more stories about growing up and how my mom helped me become a good kitty.

This is my friend Boo. She moved in with her mom in July. We have lots of fun together chasing each other up and down the halls. Playing with wand toys, laser lights, and milk rings. She has also taught me some fun new tricks and I've taught her some too. I now know how to get up on the counter, it's super fun, but it make my mom very mad. I taught Boo how to get up on the dinning room table as well. We are also very sneaky and steal each others food, this really makes our moms crazy!
Well I better be off, lots of playing to do and mischief to be had. Stay posted I have lots of fun tricks in store.
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