Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hi everyone!

Kari Lynn Westemeier 

My x-mas present this year was a cat tree. It is great because I'm at the same level as the window.  I can't wait for spring so we can open the windows.  I have a perfect spot to watch all the birds, squirrels and rabbits in the backyard.  My mom is planning on landscaping the backyard to attract more wildlife for me to watch during the day.  How awesome will that be!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A fun way to eat breakfast!

Hi Guys, It's been awhile since I checked in.  This is the one and only Izze B!  So here is a cool toy my mom got me when she was at the nutrition conference Dr. Ken spoke at.  This is how I eat my breakfast now!  It's a good way to keep my mind active and make me work for my food.  My mom hopes it will maybe help with some weight loss, because I'm not eating so fast and it keeps me active!  I'll show you the new trick I've been working on later.  That's all for now, Izze

Thursday, February 2, 2012

This is why I don't like cats!

Hi This is Lanie, remember I'm the one who doesn't want my siblings around me. I'm happy to just mind my own business. So here I am taking a nap on my mom Beths bed. Next thing I know Bailie and baby AJ jump up. I moaned and groaned at them but they just sat there. How come they always have to spoil everything! 

Really AJ are you that hungry!!!!

I just can't get enough food. Mom feeds me morning and night. I know I saw her put food down this hole. I'm determined to get something. I know I can smell something. If I just stick my arm in just a little further. I hope she doesn't see me.